Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (2025)

The Earth in the Solar System

If you look at the sky above you, during the night time, you’ll notice that it is full of tiny shining objects. Some of these objects are bright while others are dim. Most of them, seem to be twinkling. The reality is not all of the objects in the sky can be seen with the naked eye. It is our solar system which is full of these objects. So let’s study the solar system in detail.

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Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (8)

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Celestial Bodies

The sun, the moon, and all the objects, shining in the night sky are known as theCelestial Bodies. This includes every natural object that is located outside theEarth’s atmosphere, such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star. TheKuiper beltcontains manycelestial bodies. Even an asteroid in space is acelestial body.

Features of a Celestial Body

Some of thecelestial bodies are very big and hot. They are composed ofgas and have their own light and heat. These emit heat in large amounts. Such celestial bodies are known as stars. The sun is also a star.

Further, when you look at the night sky, you’ll see different patterns formed by the differentgroups ofstars. These are called constellations. Ursa Major is one such constellation. In archaic times, people used stars todeterminedirectionsduring thenight. The North Star known as the Pole Star indicates thenorth direction.

Apole staris a visiblestar. It is approximately aligned with the Earth’s axis of rotation. This means, that the apparent position of Pole Star is close to one of the celestial poles, and it lies approximately directly overhead when viewed from the Earth’s NorthPoleor SouthPole.

The Pole Star always remains in the same position in the Sky. You can locate it with the help of theSaptarishi. On the other hand, there are somecelestial bodies thatdo not have their own heat and light. They arelit bythe light ofthe stars. Such bodies are called planets.

The Solar System

Thesun, eight planets, satellites, stars and some other celestial bodies known as asteroids and meteoroids form the solar system.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (9)


Stars are the celestial bodies having their own heat and light, which they emit in large amounts. Example: The Sun is a Star.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (10)

The Sun

The sun is the centre of solar system. It is huge and is made up of extremely hot gases. The sun is the primary source of light and heat for the entire solar system.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (11)


The word planet is acquired from the Greek word, ‘Planetai’ that meanswanderers. Our solar system has eight planets. These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All of these eight planets of our solar system move around the sun in fixed paths.These paths are elongated. They are called orbits.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (12)

UntilAugust 2006, Pluto was also a planet. But nowit is called only a celestialbody (dwarf planet).

The Earth

The Earth is our home and the third nearest planet to the Sun. The shape of the earth is calledGeoid since it isslightly flattened at the poles. Certain conditions which are necessary to support life are found only on earth. This is also the reason, why life is existing only on Earth at the moment.

If one looks from the outer space, theearth appears blue. This is because, a 2/3rds surface of the earth,is coveredby water. Therefore, Earth is also known as theblue planet.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (13)

The Moon

Our planet Earth only has onenatural satellite which is the moon. The moon appears to be extremely big to us. This is because it is nearer to our planet in comparison to the other celestial bodies. Themoon moves around the earth in about 27 days and8 hours. On the moon, the atmospheric conditions are not favourable to support life.

The moon always moves in a synchronous rotation with Earth. This means that the same side is always facing the Earth. Every once a month, you’ll see a full moon night. It is known as Poornima.A fortnight later, you’ll not be able to see any moon at all. It is a new moon night also known as new moon night or ‘Amavasya’.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (14)


There are severaltiny bodies which alsomove aroundthe sun. These bodies are known as theasteroids. Asteroids can be seen between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (15)


There are several tiny pieces of rocks that orbit around the sun. These are known as meteoroids. Our galaxy is ahuge system ofbillions of stars,andcloudsofdustand gases. There are several millions of such galaxies that make the universe.

Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (16)

A Solved Question for You

Q: Which planet is known as ‘Earth’s Twin?

Ans: Venus is known as Earth’s twin because it’s shape and size are similar to that of Earth.

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Solar System: Sun, Stars, Earth, Moon, Asteroids, Meteors and Videos (2025)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.