Cocorahs South Dakota (2025)

1. Welcome to the South Dakota CoCoRaHS Page

  • How do I join? To become an observer, click on "Join CoCoRaHS" and complete the on-line application form or contact your regional coordinator. You will receive ...

  • Anyone! The more people in the CoCoRaHS network the better! We are looking for accurate and consistent observations, however. Summertime rain showers and thunderstorms produce highly variable precipitation amounts and forecasters, emergency management officials, water resource planners, and many others use your CoCoRaHS data on a daily basis. Even if you received no precipitation, we want to know. Sometimes reports of zero precipitation are as important as when precipitation occurs. How do I join?To become an observer, click on "Join CoCoRaHS" and complete the on-line application form or contact your regional coordinator. You will receive an e-mail with your CoCoRaHS ID and instructions. As soon as you have a username, password and a rain gauge, you many enter observations immediately!What will I need?You will need to purchase a standard 4-inch rain gauge to measure your precipitation. For the quality of the data to be consistent everyone must have the same rain gauge.

2. Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow ... - CoCoRaHS

  • South Dakota Reports. Daily Precip · Multi-Day Precip · Hail Reports ... South Dakota Daily Precipitation Reports. Display Date: Showing 132 ...

  • 24hr Snowfall

3. Maps - CoCoRaHS

4. South Dakota - CoCoRaHS Mapping

  • To navigate the map with touch gestures double-tap and hold your finger on the map, then drag the map.

  • This is an early release of a new mapping system for CoCoRaHS. Due to the limitations of the interface, only 600 data points can be displayed at one time.

5. Daily Precip - CoCoRaHS

  • No Daily Precipitation Reports could be found. For questions or comments concerning this web page please contact

  • 24hr Snowfall

6. South Dakota State and Regional Coordinators - CoCoRaHS

  • South Dakota State and Regional Coordinators. State Coordinator Laura Edwards - Western Regional Coordinators

  • South Dakota State and Regional Coordinators

7. Share Your Snow and Rain Measurements- Join CoCoRaHS!

  • CoCoRaHS is the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, & Snow Network, a group of over 20,000 volunteer weather observers nationwide. CoCoRaHS observers measure ...

  • 2023 CoCoRaHS March Madness

8. CoCoRaHS - Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow ...

  • Missing: dakota | Show results with:dakota

9. Daily Temperatures and Precipitation - National Weather Service

  • Text reports for select airport and CoCoRaHS locations are included below. A text listing of data from additional sources is also available. Interactive maps of ...

  • Temperature and precipitation reports across the NWS Sioux Falls forecast area

10. Precipitation Absurdity - CoCoRaHS

  • CoCoRaHS Precipitation Asburdity is our friendly recruiting contest to see who can recruit the most new volunteers during the 31 days of March.

11. Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow ... - CoCoRaHS

  • Missing: south | Show results with:south

  • Welcome to CoCoRaHS in North Dakota

Cocorahs South Dakota (2025)


What is the history of Cocorahs? ›


The CoCoRaHS network was created as a result of the Fort Collins, Colorado flash flood of July 28, 1997, and the storm the following evening on Pawnee Creek, near Sterling, Colorado. Both storms produced more than 12 inches of rain in a short period of time, but over very small areas.

How much rain did Rapid City get yesterday in South Dakota? ›

Precipitation / Rain Total: 0.082 in.

Who invented weighing rain gauge? ›

In 1662, Christopher Wren created the first tipping-bucket rain gauge in Britain in collaboration with Robert Hooke. Hooke also designed a manual gauge with a funnel that made measurements throughout 1695.

What is the meaning of Kapparah? ›

The word itself comes from the verb kiper, meaning to cover or ignore. (It can also mean to deny; one who is "kafar b'ikar" denies the existence of God.) From this kapparah comes to mean "expiation;" something that wipes out or erases guilt or sin.

Has Rapid City ever had a tornado? ›

The most recent tornado inside the city limits of Rapid City occurred on Fathers' Day, June 18, 1967. The tornado touched down west of Mount Rushmore and north of Fairmont Boulevard, causing damage to a motel and breaking power poles, which left electric lines across the street.

What is the coldest day on record in South Dakota? ›

The 481 residents of Pollock, South Dakota, felt the brunt of a bone-chilling -51 below zero on February 16, 1936. The Rapid City Journal article details South Dakota's all-time record low temp. Camp Crook in Harding County endured the second coldest temperature at -57 below on January 12, 1916.

What is the most snowfall in Rapid City South Dakota? ›

100.5 inches – The greatest cumulative snow fall for Rapid City, South Dakota. This occurred during the year that ended December 31st, 2013.

What is the history of Coedpoeth? ›

In its early history the area known as Coedpoeth was not a settlement, but was described (in 1411) as a "waste" – an uncultivated area – and later as a "common", presumably a wood with rights of common, in the upper part of the township of Bersham.

What is the history of the Spring Valley water Company? ›

The Spring Valley Water Company was a private company that held a monopoly on water rights in San Francisco from 1860 to 1930. Run by land barons, its 70-year history was fraught with corruption, land speculation, favoritism towards the moneyed elite, and widespread ill will from the general populace.

What is the history of the grass valley? ›

Town History

It is said that Grass Valley was named by settlers whose cattle had wandered from their campsite on Greenhorn Creek to a “grassy valley” nearby where the grazing was better. The “grassy valley” proved to be a convenient location for constructing buildings and Wolf Creek.

What is the history of the Old River in Winfree Texas? ›

Among the first pioneers to migrate here were Robert and Eleanor (Dorsett) Wiseman, who settled on nearby land grants in 1827. Fertile soil for farming and abundant grassland for raising cattle made the Old River area an important early agricultural center of southeast Texas.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6369

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.